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Selectmen's Minutes April 9, 1996
               Selectmen's Meeting - April 9, 1996

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, Peter Jones; and Catherine
Kuchinski, Clerk and Acting Chairman.  Also: Joseph Nugent, Board
of Selectmen's Executive Secretary.  Notes for minutes taken by
Jones with final draft prepared by Kuchinski as Clerk.

I. Hearing on a Request for an All Alcohol Beverage License and a
request for Common Victualer's License for Ciao Despina, Inc.
located at 252 Main Street: Present: Athanasios Kyranis,
President and Manager  and his attorney Stanley Charmoy, Esquire.
Kuchinski read public hearing notice as it appeared in the
Brockton Enterprise. Presentation made that the floor plan to be
2 dining rooms, 1 lounge, kitchen, gift shop, 5 restrooms, locker
room and lobby with a basement to include 3 officers, 1 restroom,
4 walk-ins and storage; the menu to be similar to his other
restaurant, Maria's; serving hours (8am until 12:45am) to be same
as approved for previous business, Elena's at this location.
Attorney referenced green cards sent and Kuchinski read the
letter from First Baptist Church's pastor, David Berube which
reported a favorable motion to support the granting of the
license request for a family style restaurant.  Motion 4/9/96.1:
move to grant a Common Victualer's license to Ciao Despina, Inc.
contingent upon receipt of all appropriate Town boards and
officials on the application. Motion made by Murdoch with second
by Jones.  Motion carried 3-0.  Motion 4/9/96.2: move to grant a
Common Victualer All Alcoholic  Beverage License application.
Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 3-0.

II. Resignation: Kuchinski read letter from Mark Vess requesting
the Board accept his resignation from several committees in Town
due to increased work commitments.  Motion 4/9/96.3: move to
accept resignation of Mark Vess from the Historical Commission,
Memorial Day Parade Committee and Cable T.V. Committee with
expression of thanks to him for all his years of service to
Hanson.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion
carried 3-0.   Chair mentioned vacancies on Historic, ADA and
Cable Committees and requests anyone interested to contact
Selectmen's office.

III. Hanson Youth Baseball request for Parade Permit: request
made for permit on Saturday, April 20, 1996 commencing at noon
from the Town Hall parking lot to Boteri Field with rain date on
April 21st at 1pm.  Motion 4/9/96.4: move to issue a permit for
baseball parade as requested.  Motion made by Murdoch with second
by Jones.  Motion carried 3-0.  

IV. Acceptance of Minutes:  Motion 4/9/96.5: move to approve the
minutes as printed for meetings held on January 2, 1996; January
9, 1996 regular and executive sessions; January 16, 1996; January
30, 1996 regular and executive sessions; February 6, 1996;
February 27, 1996 regular and executive sessions; March 12, 1996
regular and executive sessions; and March 13, 1996.  Motion made
by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 3-0.  

V. Discussion on possible articles for Town Meeting: members
discusses article for Memorial Day parade committee. According to
Nugent there is no need for article at this time.  Kuchinski
mentioned monies available for return from the 175th to be used
as seed money for the 200th planning committee and wanted to have
Board set aside a spot on the warrant for an article based on DOR
advice.  Motion 4/9/96.6: move to set aside a spot on warrant for
article to be included from 175th committee for a possible 200th
funding of a committee.   Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Jones.  Motion carried 3-0.  

VI. Edison Pole Hearing for East Washington Street: John Williams
appeared on behalf of the applicant Eastern Utilities which is
petitioning the Board to approve a request for an additional pole
on East Washington Street at the intersection of Liberty Street
in order to guy the existing Pole 97 in order to extend primary
wires to serve the Olde Hitching Post Restaurant with 3 phase
power.  Abutter Sheila Carney of 89 E. Washington Street voiced
her knowledge of the location, recorded her objection to the
statement that a double pole had previously stood there in the
last 20 years, that the proposed location was dangerous as well
as aesthetically displeasing.  After some discussion and
compromise the following motion was made.  Motion 4/9/96.7: move
to allow the double pole location on East Washington Street (#97)
subject to location agreement between abutter Carney and
applicant.  If no agreement, Board of Selectmen will take the
matter up during the April 23rd meeting under a continuation of
this hearing.   Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.
Motion carried 3-0.  

VII. May Annual Special Town Meeting Warrant: Motion 4/9/96.8:
move to close the warrant for the May 6, 1996 Annual Special Town
Meeting Warrant.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.
Motion carried 3-0.

VIII. Pleasant Street Complaint: Highway Surveyor Dick Harris and
Tree Warden Donald Ferguson addressed written complaint from Mrs.
D'Agostino of 28 Pleasant Street that she could not reach tree
warden.  Question on which tree was clarified and Ferguson
detailed his home's phone system: 7 lines coming into the house,
2 answering machines, and caller id.  He stated she never called
him.  Harris mentioned the fire in that tree several years ago.
Ferguson will review tree priority list and will let Nugent know
its status on this list for addressing by the tree cutters.  Mrs.
D'Agostino to receive a letter from Nugent letting her know
Ferguson to be in touch with her and what the Board is doing.  

IX. Executive Secretary Report: (1) State Street bridge: is due
to open by May 1st.  (2) AFSCME Union matters: received letter
pointing out that several employees at the Library Senior Center
are not in the union; union is requesting to put them in the
union.  Executive Session Request:  Nugent requested the Board
consider entering Executive Session under exemption #6 for on-
going litigation on right of way for police station and under #3
for grievance filed by the Hanson Highway workers. Motion
4/9/96.9: move to enter Executive Session under exemptions #3 and
#6 as noted above.  Motion made by Jones with second by Murdoch.
ROLL CALL VOTE: Murdoch: Aye; Kuchinski: Aye and Jones: Aye.
Motion carried 3-0.  Board to reenter open session but expects no
further business to be conducted this evening.

X. Adjournment. At 9:45pm the Board re-enter Open Session.
Motion 4/9/96.10:  move to adjourn.  Motion by Murdoch with
second by Jones.  Motion carried 3-0. Adjourned at 9:45pm.